Sunday 28 February 2021

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 162 - Cashmere Stitch

 It is time for a canvas stitch, don't you think? Today we will learn the simple Cashmere Stitch - four slanted stitches of two different lengths.

A good diagram can be found at The Needle Point Teacher.

Here is my photo tutorial.

Place the next block of four stitches either beside or underneath the first one.

Homework: Try it out on the three usual samplers, as well as the Canvas Work Sampler.

Better use waste canvas for the plain weave.


Rachel said...

This is a very neat stitch, in the same family as Mosaic stitch. There's also a Condensed version, worked diagonally, which has one short stitch between the pairs of long ones. It creates a sort of corded diagonal line.

Janie said...

Another great filler stitch with lots of possibilities
Thanks for your comment on my post. Your planned outing sounds fun, let us know about the adventure!

carorose said...

I keep thinking about doing some canvas work. Keep posting you will move me there eventually.

Shami Immanuel said...

Easy stitch. Filling a tapestry canvas sheet takes time but the outcome will be worth.

Annet said...

This stitch has a nice rhythm, love it in 2 colours!

Pamela said...

I have used this stitch on canvas and the effect is good. You two color example is attractive.