Sunday 22 August 2021

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 182: Snail Trail Stitch

 Quiz: What stitch is this?

Answer: Yes, you are right. It is Coral Stitch.

Now I am at a dilemma, is today's stitch a new stitch or Coral Stitch?

The thing is, that Coral Stitch has many names, one of them is Snail Trail Stitch. 

I have noticed a difference, though, in the spacing.

When you insert the needle at a wider angle and bite into more fabric you get this 'Twisted Chain' look.

So I want to keep calling the purple stitch seen above Coral Stitch, 

and use Snail Trail for the blue stitch.

The best pictorial instructions I have come across are at Kimberly Oimet.


Let a Snail leave Trails on these samplers.


Pamela said...

I agree that the blue is different and should be the snail trail. I like the coral stitch more than the snail trail. Maybe it’s the name.

crazyQstitcher said...

It's surprising how stitches can be maneuvered into being being something different. Both are worth keeping.

Rachel said...

I've seen Snail Trail presented as having the knots closer together, as well..

Janie said...

Yes there is a subtle but distinct difference and both can be 'maneuvered' into many useful options.