Wednesday 31 May 2023

WIPW - Silver Netting

 Hi there, it is time for a little show and tell of Work In Progress Wednesday.


I have started adding the 'wings' to the appliqué design. I used the same fabric as the little 'tail' but covered it with silver netting.

Sunday Stitch School Stitch Sampler

First I stitched two parallel lines of even Chain Stitch. Then I changed the thread to pink and started adding the rungs of the ladder, with a detached Reversed Chain Stitch in the middle.


Anonymous said...

The silver netting is a very creative addition!

Angela said...

The silver fabric is so interesting! It reminds me that I have something similar. I must dig it out and use it.

Rachel said...

Ooh, I do like your detached reverse chain!

Tanya said...

You are so creative! Silver netting!