Sunday 3 April 2022

Sunday Stitch School - Revision: Stitches 201 - 205

Take some time and repeat stitches 201 to 205. Click on the title to go to the instructions.

201 Italian Knot Stitch

An instant favourite, a great stitch I picked up on an Indian blog.

202 Fly Stitch with Twisted Ties

This stitch comes from the same source as 201.

203 Pariser Stitch

If you ever want a 'Buttonhole Stitch' that sits still in a straight jacket, try this one.

204 Mountmellick Thorn Stitch

This is a unique stitch, but a bit fiddly, as it contains a French Knot.

205 Glove Stitch

This one, however, is everything but fiddly. It's easy-peasy, and looks grand to glove boot.


Let Sunbonnet Sue have a say with these five stitches.


Pamela said...

Looking forward to what Sue thinks about the world’s situation.

Rachel said...

You will have great fun, I'm sure, weaving these into another scene for Sue!

carorose said...

What will Sue do?

Janie said...

Well I hope Sue is enjoying the spring blossoms like I am!
Tulips, Grape Hyacinth, Daffodil are some of the beauties opening up around here.