Wednesday 6 April 2022

WIPW - Beginning Finishing

A late Work In Progress Wednesday report.

Velveteen Cushion

For the last week I have been using metallic thread in gold, silver and copper to make lines in Chain Stitch.

Sunday Stitch School Stitch Sampler

I made two more circles in #203 Pariser Stitch. One is filled with #83 Mennonite Tacks (on the right) and the other with #102 Knotted Sheaf Stitch (left).

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

With the last stitch #205 Glove Stitch I have filled in the fourth reference chart for Sunday Stitch School stitches.  

I will remove the butterfly fabric that I use as a support fabric when I stretch the chart in a hoop, then I will add the numbers and names for each stitch. Therefore I have typed up a list of them and printed it out on fabric. 

By next week Wednesday I hope to have cut out and stitched a label for each box on the chart.
I will also prepare a new chart for the next set of stitches.


Pamela said...

Amazing - 205 stitches!

crazyQstitcher said...

The metallic threads will look beautiful on velveteen. The Sampler also is growing. I should have followed your idea of a chart as I never name mine and forget what some are called.

Janie said...

I haven’t been able to visit for a couple of days because of browser issues, I finally got help.
Your progress is beautiful and your organization is a work of art! Good for you, very inspiring.

Rachel said...

This is going to be such a very useful sampler. Stitches look different when done for real rather than just diagrammed!

Toki said...

Neither the sampler nor you stop growing and evolving.
That is wonderful.