Sunday 13 January 2019

Sunday Stitch School - Revision: Stitches 81 - 85

We have completed another set of five stitches and it is time for a revision.
Click on the headlines to read about and learn each stitch.

81 Reversed Fly Stitch
Easy. Two Fly Stitches are stitched together, either entwined or just touching.

82 Bokhara Couching
A filling stitch that can be neat and even, or free form, depending on the fabric you stitch on.

83 Mennonite Tack Stitch
A quilting stitch used for frugal, quick and utilitarian quilting.

84 Star Darn Stitch
Much easier than it looks. Perfect for Christmas ornaments.

85 Wrapped Cross Stitch
NOT a favorite stitch of mine, but quite plump and outstanding.

Use these five stitches to make a Sunbonnet Sue Sampler picture.
This time I are sticking to the traditional style with a young and chubby Sue.


Pamela said...

I look forward to seeing what you create!

Rachel said...

Sue is going to have some pretty ornaments on her dress!

Janie said...

Fun with Sue!
Looking forward to the story and stitches. said...

I quite often use fly stitch, probably because I can remember how to do it without looking at instructions.

Julie Fukuda said...

Beware Sue! You are about to be needled!

crazyQstitcher said...

A very nice sample of stitches to play with, for Sue's outfit.