Wednesday 14 August 2024

WIPW - Saying Goodbye to Trapped Tassels

 Work In Progress Wednesday for mid-August 2024.


On the Mandala project, I have only done some planning. 

I will adorn the round discs in the 'hub' of the Mandala 

with Punchinella, or Sequin Waste. (Fancy) stitching will hold it in place...

So another ten flowers were made. The total is now 70.

The Leaning Tower of Hexi.

Kumihimo Braiding
On the braid I made recently for my reading glasses, I had left a tassel of thread ends on each side. I thought they looked nice, reminding me of bicycle handles or hippie style hair braids.

However, the stray threads got trapped in the hinges of the eyeglasses and turned out to be a bother.
Therefore I winded the ends up like this. I now look like a sober and proper librarian!

Sunday Stitch School Stitch Sampler
Two more stitches were added, #296 Rhodes Rectangle and #297 Raised Cup with Twisted Chain.

This sampler is now so crowded that after adding the remaining three stitches (#298 - #300) I will fill in a few gaps and empty spots. Then I will call it a day and start the construction into either a wallhanging or a cushion... Watch this space.


Pamela said...

Great progress this week! I love seeing that big stack of hexagon flowers.

Rachel said...

I'm sorry your had to wave goodbye to the tassels! They looked rather jaunty!

Angela said...

Great progress! Love the leaning tower!

carorose said...

One very busy person.

Janie said...

Beautiful stitching added on your sampler. And your braid ends are finished proper and sober, yes!
I like your plan for adorning your round discs with 'fancy' stitching using Sequin Waste, interesting.