Sunday 12 July 2020

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 140: Indian Herringbone Stitch

Hello. Let me introduce you to one of the many members of the Herringbone family - Indian Herringbone Stitch.

It is made by weaving together two sets of Herringbone Stitch and looks especially good when two different threads/colours are used.

I found the stitch at Sarah's Hand Embroidery Tutorials.

Stitch it like this:
Make an ordinary Herringbone Stitch,
starting at the bottom left.

but take the needle under
the left leg,

and over the right leg (this is usual).

Continue until you have as many
stitches as you need.

Change to a different thread, I used pink,
and make the mirrored stitches,
starting at the top left.

As you can see, the pink thread goes over
the green on the left, but under on the right.

Continue weaving in the same way.

Work on the samplers.


Pamela said...

This stitch is very attractive, done with two colors.

Janie said...

Herringbone Stitch always looks great and doubling it doubles the fun.
Good tutorial and choice.

Julie Fukuda said...

I like that one. Will it go on your log cabin blocks?

Rachel said...

IT makes a very pretty braid pattern, doesn't it!

Tanya said...

How pretty. And it comes out looking a bit like plaid.