Sunday 5 July 2020

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 139: Sycamore Stitch

Today's stitch is from Elizabeth Healey's book 'Stitch, Fabric & Thread' - the Sycamore Stitch.

It's easy maths,  Lazy Daisy Stitch x 2 + Straight Stitch x 1.

Work it like this:
Make a single slanting Chain Stitch

Anchor at top and come out in the
same hole again.

Make a mirrored Chain Stitch
and add a Straight Stitch

As I said, easy math, beautiful result.

Practise doing sums on these samplers.


Pamela said...

This reminds me of a tiny plant, just starting to grow.

Janie said...

Sycamore Stitch is organic, like a little seedling or little petals from a big head of hydrangea. Good tutorial.

Rachel said...

You could use lots of them at different angles to make the head of an angelica flower..

carorose said...

Are you going to use this as a line or fill stitch?