Thursday 14 May 2020

Friday Homework for Lesson 132: Dandelion Stitch

The Dandelion Stitch is not difficult, but attention should be taken to the tension of the thread. Slack in the upper U shape, and pulled in the lower V shape.

I have been asked why the stitch is called Dandelion Stitch. I don't know, but the shape reminds me of one of the winged seeds of a Dandelion seed ball. Especially if one makes the lower V as narrow as possible.

In my homework though, the shapes look a bit like headless people or maybe something organic one would see in a microscope, bacteria, virus, creepy crawlers, a new mysterious organism....

Anyway, here is my homework:
Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Teal Wool Tailoring Scribble Cloth


Janie said...

Good samples. They do like seeds that could float through the air. Here there's all kinds of seeds and pollen floating and dropping, making me sneeze. We have cottonwood fluff and some sort of green small flower bit that is falling off trees in the parking lot, I don't know if they're little flowers or pollen but they collect in little piles. And that is just the beginning of it. The cars all get a dusting of it too.
That time of the year!

Pamela said...

I think they look like dandelion seeds.

Rachel said...

They could almost be Semaphore figures...!