Sunday, 31 May 2020

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 135: Net Stitch

Let's work on a lattice filling stitch today - the Net Stitch.

First you need to stitch a grid of long straight stitches, and then anchor the joints with French Knots.

Stretch the fabric in a hoop.

Take the needle out from underneath one of the joints.
Make two (or more if you like) wraps on the needle.

Insert the tip of the needle on the other side of the joint, 
tighten the thread into a knot and pull through.
You have now anchored the joint with a French Knot.

The tighter the tension, the better the knots sit.

Work a net on these three samplers.

Friday, 29 May 2020

Friday Homework for Lesson 134: Slanting Blanket Stitch

It might have been the easiest homework yet! I often make my Buttonhole Stitches slanting - unintentionally, so making them with intent was child's play.

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Teal Wool Tailoring Scribble Cloth

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

WIPW - Stitches Galore

Work In Progress Wednesday. It has been another week of Stay Home - Keep Stitching.

Freeform Embroidery
Vandyke is an easy stitch, Triple Chain a bit tricky and the Reversed Buttonhole Bar, here worked in a circle over a Buttonhole Wheel is so satisfying. By using a variegated thread for the  top stitching I got this lovely colourful look.

Crazy for Crazy
What went on here? Well embellishment with sequins, ribbon embroidery and beads.

Log Cabin Challenge
First of all I worked on the cushion flimsy, and embellished ten seams with a variety of stitches:
Buttonhole, Feather, Herringbone, Running, Italian Border, Lock, Cross, Interlaced Running, Slanting Blanket, Straight.

 I also made 10 new blocks for the quilt that will accompany the cushion. The total count (including the 25 for the cushion) stands at 67 blocks.

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 134: Slanting Blanket Stitch

Buttonhole Stitch, and Blanket Stitch, are two of the most basic embroidery stitches, and basically they are upright, like this:

Then there are plenty of variations.

Today I want to add to the Sunday Stitch School, the simplest of variations,  where the arms are slanting to the right - Slanting Blanket Stitch. It is officially mentioned in TRC's list (Textile Research Centre), but goes by the name Sloping Blanket Stitch in The Embroidery Stitch Bible.

Work it like this:

Now why would I want to add a stitch with such little difference from the basic stitch? It's because I often tend to slant the Buttonhole Stitch and it needed to be added to my personal Sunday Stitch School's collection of stitches. And yes, you have guessed it, there is another slanted stitch where the arms go from left to right, but it is worked in another way and has another name. More on that stitch in the future.


Friday, 22 May 2020

Friday Homework for Lesson 133: Sinhalese Stitch

Could anyone call this a difficult stitch? I doubt it.
The key is to stretch the two (green) threads the Open Chain is worked around. In some stitch books the instructions are to leave the two threads loose. This  would make it possible to work the stitch in a curve, but it is really a challenge to get the tension right. So for a straight ladder-like line anyway, fix those threads.

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

 Teal Wool Tailoring Scribble Cloth

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival 2021 - Partnership Quilt Project - Love The Earth

In spite of the Corona virus outbreak, there is hope for the future!

Show it by taking part in NHK's Partnership Quilt Project at Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival 2021, to be held in Tokyo Dome in January next year (hopefully!).

Under the tag NHK above, on my blog, you can read about this project and see my previous entires.

The theme for 2021 is  LOVE THE EARTH.
In charge of the project this time is Kathy Nakajima, famous for her Hawaiian quilts, and her son Yosuke Katsuno, who at present is hosting NHK's craft program Sutekini Handmade.

In tonight's TV program, and on the website (see link below), eight suggestions were made; pieced work, appliqué, Hawaiian, various kinds of globes and one crazy quilt design. However, I am sure we all are able to think up something unique and personal.

The rules are as always, 
  • size 15x15 cm + seam allowance of 1-2 cm
  • no quilting,
  • name written in lower right seam allowance,
  • enclose a self addressed 63yen postcard, if you live in Japan and want to know in which quilt your block has been added
  • NEW and IMPORTANT: print out, fill in and enclose the slip at the bottom of the website (see details below)
  • DEADLINE: 31st JULY 2020, when the block must have reached NHK
  • send to: 
Partnership Quilt
 NHK Sutekini Handmade
 2-2-1 Jinnan
 Tokyo 150-8001

More information can be found on the official website. Sorry only in Japanese.
The slip you need to fill in looks like this:

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

WIPW - Prepping the Flimsy

Work In Progress Wednesday

Freeform Embroidery
Here we have a sprinkling of Twisted Satin Stitch, Woven Long Tail Chain Stitch and a line of Turkman Stitch.

Crazy for Crazy
I found the dark pink ribbon an eyesore - the colour was all wrong for this cq block.

So I removed it and  stitched a line of Herringbone instead. Then added the pink Turkish Knots, some green metallic stitches on the larger lace motif. The green lace bow was added and joined the pink one with a couched strand of metallic cord.
More work next week.

Log Cabin Challenge
A thin sheet of gauze was used to stabilise the flimsy from the back. Then four strips of fabric were added around the edges to protect the flimsy while it is being embroidered.
I also selected the thread, all stranded floss, for the embellishment and embroidery. Getting inspiration from TAST and Sunday Stitch Schools Reference Charts I will select a number of stitches to use. Watch this space!

I made 6 new blocks for the quilt, so the total number of blocks (including the 25 in the cushion)  now stands at 57.

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 133: Sinhalese Chain Stitch

Welcome. Today we have Sinhalese Chain Stitch, used in traditional Sri Lankan embroidery. At first glance one would think it is an Open Chain Stitch, whipped at the sides, but it is worked quite differently.

Start with two long straight stitches (green).
These will give the whipped look.
Secure them well on the back.
Take the the thread for the Open Chain Stitch
Come out at the inner top of the green stitch
to the left.
Lead the needle under the two green threads.
Make the first Open Chain Stitch
as shown in the picture.

Pull through and take the needle
once again underneath the two 
green lines.

Make another Open Chain Stitch.

Continue in the same way until 
you come to the end of the green
Anchor the pink thread just outside 
the left side of the green thread.

Repeat on the right side.

You're done!

Guess where to add Sinhalese Chain Stitch.
On the usual samplers, of course!

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Friday Homework for Lesson 132: Dandelion Stitch

The Dandelion Stitch is not difficult, but attention should be taken to the tension of the thread. Slack in the upper U shape, and pulled in the lower V shape.

I have been asked why the stitch is called Dandelion Stitch. I don't know, but the shape reminds me of one of the winged seeds of a Dandelion seed ball. Especially if one makes the lower V as narrow as possible.

In my homework though, the shapes look a bit like headless people or maybe something organic one would see in a microscope, bacteria, virus, creepy crawlers, a new mysterious organism....

Anyway, here is my homework:
Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Teal Wool Tailoring Scribble Cloth

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

WIPW - Log Cabin Flimsy

Work In Progress Wednesday

Freeform Embroidery
Three new stitches elbowed their way into the crowd of stitches.

Crazy for Crazy
I stitched a few stems for flowers using Portuguese Stem Stitch. Then added two of the three lace embellishments.

Log Cabin Challenge
I assembled 25 log cabin blocks into a square flimsy for the cushion.

5 new blocks were also made, so the total number is now 51.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Sunday Stitch School: Lesson 132 - Dandelion Stitch

Here is another marriage of two stitches, that together make a charming couple - Dandelion Stitch.

I found it in Elizabeth Healey's excellent book Stitch, Fabric & Thread. The book is packed to the brim with interesting techniques and projects - all sorts of fabric adventures.
A number of  unusual embroidery stitches is also included, if you remember, we've already covered Mennonite Tacks (#83) and Methodist Knot (#90).

Have a look at this book review:

Elizabeth Healey has just written a new book, that I am impatiently waiting for.

Now back to the Dandelion Stitch. It is a combination of an Open Lazy Daisy Chain and a Fly Stitch sharing the same tail.

Make it like this:
Start with a loose Open Lazy Daisy Chain Stitch.
Don't pull too hard, you want a U-shape.

Give it a long tail.

Make an upside down Fly Stitch
using the tail. 

Pull to make a
sharpish Ʌ look.

Hey Presto, the Dandelion Stitch

Add Dandelion Stitch on these three samplers.