Friday 19 July 2024

Friday Homework for Lesson 295: Backstitched German Knot Square

 Oh, this stitch is lovely and highly addictive. Once I got started, I didn't want to stop!

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Mottled Wool Scribble Cloth


Pamela said...

These are so cute!

Rachel said...

Oh, now isn't interesting to see how it changes as you change the proportions of each element! said...

I do like it when you find a stitch that you don't want to stop using.

Janie said...

Backstitched German Knot stitch is amazing and the variations in your samples are delightful.

Angela said...

I love that stitch. I am a bit intimidated to try it though. I will work up the nerve to put it into my August slice. There is no room in the July slice.