Tuesday 5 December 2023

QUILT SHOW in Yokohama, Part 4

This is the 4th and final blog post from the Yokohama quilt show 2023.

There was another part of this quilt show, for European quilts. Some of them seem to have been part of the European Meeting Patchwork & Textile Arts 2023 show.

'The Shape I'm In' by Sue de Vanny.

Slavic Mushroom Pickers by Magdalena Gasowska

Here is another fantastic portrait. Unfortunately, I forgot to get the details.

An animal 'portrait'! TIGER by Pairote Rabobpaiboon

This quilt was right up my street!
'Of a Feather' by Donna Campbell

Look at all the embroidery details! Felt and fancy stitching!

Before we leave the show, let's marvel at this masterpiece.
'Nearly Insane' by Rhonda Irving.

Viva quilting!

Next year the show will be held in Yokohama on 8th, 9th and 10th of November, 2024. There will be no show in spring.


Pamela said...

That last red and white quilt is fabulous!

Rachel said...

Those whiskers!!

Angela said...

I am with you on that bird quilt! Fabulous!