Sunday 16 July 2023

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 258: Half Herringbone Stitch

A good way to expand your collection of stitches is to cut a well-known stitch in half! Guess what happens when you divide the Herringbone Stitch - you get Half Herringbone Stitch. 

Here is a YouTube video from Arts&Embroidery:

and this is my photo tutorial:

I stitched on Aida fabric whose holes will show you clearly where

the needle goes in and out. 

There are only two movements:  down diagonally,

or horizontally from right to left.

Anchor at the end of the line.

You can easily vary how high or how crammed the stitches are.

These three samplers are awaiting 1/2 Herringbones!


Anonymous said...

You come up with many interesting stitches that I didn't know about!

Rachel said...

It looks like a little striding character, doesn't it!

Lyn Warner said...

This pretty stitch reminded me a bit of open Cretan stitch.

Toki said...

It's a stitch that changes the impression considerably by widening the stitching interval or making it dense.

Angela said...

Kind of looks like the fly stitch overlapped.