Sunday 12 May 2019

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 98: Sprat's Head

Welcome to Sunday Stitch School's Evening Class. It's 9pm here.

Tonight we are learning a stitch used in tailoring and dressmaking to reinforce seams - the Sprat's Head Stitch.

I found this triangular stitch in Mary Thomas's Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches.
Updated: Mattia tells me the French name is: point d'abeille.

First you need to draw a triangle on your fabric,
then stretch the fabric taught in a frame or hoop.

Take the needle out from the bottom left corner, 
take a bite of the fabric at the tip of the top.
This is a kind of Herringbone Stitch, narrow at the top, wide at the bottom.

Insert the needle in the bottom right corner and
come out next to the first stitch on the left.

Repeat and work your way down the triangle.

Explore the Sprat's Head on these different pieces of fabric. How will it work out on Aida?


Anonymous said...

Bonjour, le nom français de ce point est :
- point d'abeille

Rachel said...

I've only tried this stitch a couple of times, and I need a bit more practice!

Pamela said...

I've done this stitch on counted fabric. Yours looks very even and nice.

Janie said...

Hi Queenie, yes I can see how that stitch could be used to attractively and neatly reinforce a seam.
And it also has a lot of decorative possibilities.
Fun exploration.