Wednesday, 19 March 2025

WIPW - The Second Bookmark and some more Hexablooms

I have been buckled under by a nasty bronchitis and hay fever attack and have spent most of the last two weeks sleeping.

That is why my WIPW report is meagre this time.


I completed another set of ten and have 310 flowers now.

Birthday Gift

Here is the cross-stitch bookmark I showed you the back of earlier.


Pamela said...

You have so many pretty fabrics for your hexagons. The bookmark is striking. The basic colors on the natural fabric gorgeous!

Angela said...

Such a thoughtful gift. I am sure it will be treasured!

Janie said...

Your cross stitch bookmark is a beauty. And your new set of hexablooms are well done with striking colors.

Rachel said...

Hayfever and bronchitis sound a particularly nasty combination! I hope you're dong better now!