Sunday, 16 March 2025

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 317: Straight Stitch

I'll take the easy way out today and introduce you to the most basic of all the embroidery stitches - Straight Stitch. 

Now, it may be a very simple stitch, but oh, so useful! Masses of other stitches include at least one Straight Stitch as part of the complete stitch. 

Here are some examples of stitches made up of only Straight Stitch.

Dark blue: Running Stitch

Red: Darning Stitch

Light blue: Point Russe Stitch

Purple: Mennonite Tacks

Green: A-stitch

Yellow: Ships Ladder Stitch

You will find instructions for the Straight Stitch in any embroidery book. Here is my photo tutorial:

Homework: Play around on these samplers

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Basic and versatile! Good choice this week.