Sunday, 9 March 2025

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 316: Detached Wheatear Stitch

Welcome back to one more set of five new stitches. 

The first one is what you get if you work an individual section of a stitch that is usually worked in a line or group with others of the same sort. So stitch a single Wheatear Stitch and you have the Detached Wheatear Stitch.

I found it at Sarah's Hand Embroidery Tutorials where there is a video.

Here are my photo instructions:

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Pamela said...

I’ve stitched the wheatear stitch in a line, but never thought about single detached stitches. I’ll look for a way to use it.

Janie said...

Good tutorial on closed Wheatear Stitch. It can look like a lot of different animal heads, maybe a rabbit or a long horned cow, maybe an insect?