Friday, 7 March 2025

Friday Reviosion Homework - Stitches 311 - 315

When I work the Sunbonnet Sue illustration for the revision homework, I usually stitch the outlines with Stem Stitch and use the five homework stitches for the actual picture, for example, the texture of Sunbonnet Sue's clothes and her hair.

Stem Stitch is an easy and quick stitch and one of my favourites. For this Sunbonnet Sue picture, I wanted to outline everything with Split Stitch as it was one of the five set stitches. 

Ha! It took MUCH longer than I had expected to work the illustration this way. There are also a lot of lines in this particular picture. Anyway, here she finally is:

Instead of a sunbonnet it is a camera that obscures her face. It also tells you that my Sunbonnet Sue is a photographer. More on her story in future blogposts.


Lyn Warner said...

I too find split stitch takes ages to do.
Good to see Sue in action with her camera :)

Pamela said...

Very creative!