Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Summer's busy bee

Summer is a time when I get very busy filling my social calendar. I make visits to friends and family, I  look after visitors and I travel.
This means a lot of time usually allocated for needlework, and blogging,  gets spent on other things. It is not practical to carry a big quilt, Work In Progress, with me, nor have it out when people come to stay. This means I will switch from the Bias Tape quilt to a smaller CQ block to work on for a while.
Also my TAST embroidery will take the shape of a sampler for some time. I am looking forward to doing something with the Up and Down Buttonhole stitch, aren't you?

Drawing tools at the ready!


margaret said...

sounds like you are going to have a lovely social time both visiting and being visited by friends, I can see stitching will have to take a back seat for a while. Enjoy time with friends, they are precious

City Krafters said...

Look forward to your news about your travels with your family and enjoy your stitching,
Hope your weather is better than here in the UK.