Sunday, 2 February 2025

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 313: Darning Stitch

Darning Stitch is another basic stitch I have not introduced yet. It IS a form of Running Stitch, which is one of the simplest and most common stitches there is. However,  the latter is usually even in length, whereas the Darning Stitch is longer on the surface and shorter on the reverse. It is often used as a filling stitch, and each row is staggered, like the pattern on a brick wall.

I found a clear and easy-to-follow tutorial in RSN's Stitch Bank.

Here are my photo instructions.

The traditional Running Stitch

Here is the Darning Stitch.

Compare them.

Here is the Darning Stitch in staggered form.

As you can see, these stitches are easy and should have been included much earlier, but it is never too late, eh?


Fill in here.


Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

Simple can be so beautiful!

Pamela said...

The darning stitch is a good background filler on canvas needlework.

Angela said...

Now I am pondering where I could use it. It looks so good!

Rachel said...

It's so versatile, too - the basis for so many styles of stitchery!