Friday 18 October 2024

Friday Homework for Lesson 304: Single Knotted Cable Chain Stitch

It was fun to learn the Single Knotted Cable Chain Stitch and compare it with the Oyster Stitch. I must admit that I prefer to stitch towards me, the Oyster Stitch way, rather than away from the body. It is easier to control the thread, as well as insert the needle from up to down than vice versa.

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Mottled Wool Scribble Cloth

Wednesday 16 October 2024

WIPW - The Railway Tracks

Swish, and another week has passed. It is time for the weekly Work In Progress Wednesday report.


I made another ten flowers. The total is now 130.


Among my braids, I found this 'railway tracks' design. Perfect to add to the circle.

Having had only little time for stitching, this is as far as I got.

More next week, I hope!

Sunday 13 October 2024

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 304: Single Knotted Cable Chain Stitch

Anyone who has taken part in TAST (Take A Stitch Tuesday), an educational stitch challenge by Sharon Boggon on her Pintangle blog, will have learned the Oyster Stitch. If you are unfamiliar with this stitch, look at her excellent tutorial. It is also featured in many stitch dictionaries.

Today's stitch comes from another blog, Artistic Fingers, where Anita teaches us a variation of the Oyster Stitch. She calls it Single Knotted Cable Chain Stitch; her tutorial is here.

For my photo tutorial, I worked first the Oyster Stitch in pink, and then next to it, the Single Knotted Cable Stitch in blue. As you can see, Sharon and Anita stitch in different directions.

Oyster Stitch from up to down.

Single Knotted Cable Chain, 
from down to up.

The main difference between Oyster and 
Single Knotted Cable Chain comes here:
You bite a longer bit of fabric,

resulting in a 'paper clip' loop.

The anchor stitch could be close to
the loop and

thereby short, or

or multiple in numbers.

Should you turn the stitch sideways, well, 
there you have 'Eye Stitch', or maybe 'Fish Stitch'!


Try Single Knotted Cable Chain Stitch out here.

Friday 11 October 2024