
Friday, 30 June 2023

Friday Revision Homework - Stitches 251 - 255

Today Sunbonnet Sue learned a painful lesson.  NEVER eat an ice cream cone while trying to chase butterflies!

Other stitches used are Stem Stitch and Outline Stitch. It is not clear, but I tried to use Annet's Pulled Triangle Stitch for the ice cream cone.

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

WIPW - The Last Rectangle

Work In Progress Wednesday.


I stitched the 'antennas' for all four 'flying objects' with #201 Italian Knot Stitch, a wonderful stitch.

Sunday Stitch School Stitch Sampler

First I stitched down a rectangle of waste canvas. Then I worked a border of #140 Indian Herringbone Stitch.

Sunday, 25 June 2023

Sunday Stitch School - Revision: Stitches 251 - 255

 Whose feet are these?

Yes, you guessed it! They are of course Sunbonnet Sue's feet. 

This means it is time to review stitches 251 to 255 and then make a Sunbonnet Sue sampler.

251 Frilled Buttonhole Stitch

Perfect for beautiful flower petals.

252 Annet's Pulled Triangle Stitch

Although this is a pulled stitch, it looks good as a triangular filling stitch, too.

253 Pachis Work

We have learned several beautiful Indian stitches before. Here is another one, one that can be the building block in many geometric patterns.

254 Alternating Mountmellick Stitch

This is a mirrored version of the lovely Mountmellick Stitch.

Another stitch that gives a nice mirror image is the traditional Chevron Stitch.


Work on Sue!

Friday, 23 June 2023

Friday Homework for Lesson 255: Mirrored Chevron Stitch

 This is a great stitch for filling.

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Mottled Wool Scribble Cloth

Thursday, 22 June 2023

WIPT - Delayed

I didn't have time to report on Work In Progress Wednesday yesterday, and therefore today's post is Work In Progress THURSDAY.

Sunday Stitch School Stitch Sampler

I filled in the stitches I had prepared foundation stitches for last week.

#200 Chained Pekinese Stitch (pink and green)

#213 Zig-zag Whipped Back Stitch (four lines in brown and light blue)

#229 Fancy Laced Running Stitch (the stitches in the middle in brown and light blue).


No progress, I'm afraid.

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 255: Mirrored Chevron Stitch

If you are ever looking for an alternative to a basic stitch, go to Sarah's Hand Embroidery Tutorials. Today we are going to learn the Mirrored Chevron Stitch. As the name implies it is made up of two rows of Chevron Stitch, facing each other.

Like this:

Use three holes for the horisontal stitch.

Come out in the middle hole.

Check that you have a 'T'.

Keep the working thread DOWN.

Here keep the working thread UP.

Work your way back, right to left.

Between the two rows of red, there is a small gap.

Between the two rows of light blue, there is no gap
I used the same holes twice.

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Friday, 16 June 2023

Friday Homework for Lesson 254: Alternating Mountmellick Stitch

Oh, this is so beautiful. Unlike so many other alternating stitches where you have to stitch 'left-handedly', which for a right-handed person like me, is tricky, this is easy to stitch both sides of the middle line.

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Mottled Wool Scribble Cloth

Freestyle and wonky. The yellow stitches on the left go from up to down, and the ones on the right were stitched upside down. It's easy to see if you look at the chain stitch part of the stitch.

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

WIPW - Ready to fly off?

It is Wednesday so time to report on progress - Work In Progress Wednesday.


I completed appliquéing the 'bodies' to the wings on all four ornaments.

As you can see the next part will be embroidering the 'tentacles'.

Sunday Stitch School Stitch Sampler

The Back and Running Stitch foundation can be seen ready for the lacing. 

At the edges will be #200 Chained Pekinese Stitch (green foundation), then #213 Zig-zag Whipped Back Stitch and in the middle #229 Fancy Laced Running Stitch.

The waste canvas used to make these even foundation stitches was removed.

Sunday, 11 June 2023

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 254: Alternating Mountmellick Stitch

Do you follow Mary Corbet's Needle 'n Thread? If you do, you will probably be familiar with her Stitch Play. This is a section where she makes changes to standard stitches, in a playful way, hence the name Stitch Play.

Among the stitches she has fiddled with is the charming Mountmellick Stitch, a favourite of mine. I am happy to learn an alternative version.

In Mary Corbet's article, you will see a laced version of Alternating Mountmellick Stitch. As I have not introduced this Alternating version yet, I'll start with that today and include the laced variety another time.

Check out Mary's clear instructions or follow my photo tutorial.


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