
Sunday, 18 June 2023

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 255: Mirrored Chevron Stitch

If you are ever looking for an alternative to a basic stitch, go to Sarah's Hand Embroidery Tutorials. Today we are going to learn the Mirrored Chevron Stitch. As the name implies it is made up of two rows of Chevron Stitch, facing each other.

Like this:

Use three holes for the horisontal stitch.

Come out in the middle hole.

Check that you have a 'T'.

Keep the working thread DOWN.

Here keep the working thread UP.

Work your way back, right to left.

Between the two rows of red, there is a small gap.

Between the two rows of light blue, there is no gap
I used the same holes twice.

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  1. I like the looks of both the gap and no gap versions of this stitch.

  2. That stitch has a lot of potential!

  3. A useful netlike pattern - I wonder, will Sue be after butterflies this time?

  4. It is stitch with a strong presence. It may be interesting to change the color of the thread in the gap or fill it with beads.

  5. I really like the stitch with a bit of gap between the rows!!


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