
Friday, 17 May 2024

Friday Homework for Lesson 287: Reversed Chain Stitch with Buttonhole Edging

Reversed Chain has proven to be easy and adding Buttonhole stitches to the edges was not difficult either.

Personally, I like the Reversed Chain Stitch better than the standard Chain Stitch. It is important to remember that the former requires the fabric to be stretched in a hoop whereas the latter can be worked in the hand. Also that if you want to work quickly standard Chain Stitch is faster.

Now for adding Buttonhole Edging... you can of course do that to both stitches. 

Actually, I have already done a version of 'Chain Stitch with Buttonhole Edging' - #78 Interlaced Chain Stitch, see the tutorial here. In that version, you first complete the lacing, 

then anchor the loops with small stitches:

As you will see below, there is no difference in looks to the 'un-anchored' part so only the stitcher will know which type of Chain Stitch the Buttonhole lacing has been added to.

Anyway, here is today's homework:

Reversed Chain Stitch with Buttonhole Edging

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Mottled Wool Scribble Cloth


  1. Chain stitch is one of old time favourites. I can't remember doing reversed chain stitch [but could have]

  2. It makes a good "fake braid", doesn't it!

  3. I don’t usually work with a hoop, so this wouldn’t be a “go to” stitch for me. Yours looks nice.

  4. So fancy! Beautiful samples.

  5. Your colour choices are striking!


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