
Wednesday, 28 December 2022

WIPW - Reverse Stitching

Here is the last Work In Progress Wednesday report for this year. 

As I promised last Wednesday I would reverse stitch the Chevron Stitch I had made by mistake and replace it with the intended one. 

Sunday Stitch School Stitch Sampler

So the blunder (Chevron Stitch) was removed and instead I worked #220 Back Stitched Herringbone Stitch. 

I also added another stitch from the Herringbone family, #192 Astypalea Stitch, underneath.

Here I started covering small plastic cups with light blue shiny fabric. These will be appliquéd later.

Thank you for following my slow and meagre progress during the year. With a bit of hope, there will be more impressive progress in 2023.

Friday, 23 December 2022

Season's Greetings to All

 As I offered no new stitch last Sunday there is no Friday Homework today to report, either.

Instead, I'd like to offer all my readers the very warmest of Season's Greetings. Enjoy the holidays.

Sunbonnet Sue, December 2020

Wednesday, 21 December 2022


December is a month when WIPW should be banned! Or rather I should not challenge myself and try to make progress - I have far too many other things to deal with. The result is that this week's Work In Progress Wednesday contains a big blunder.


is fine, as I just added Ray Stitch to the remaining stems of Palestrina Stitch. I also remembered to take a photo where the scary snakes' heads are not seen! 

Sunday Stitch School Stitch Sampler

is where I made a stupid mistake. I checked my Sunday Stitch School's list of undone stitches and found #220 Back Stitched Herringbone Stitch. 'I'll do a line of that one, it's easy and beautiful.' I said to myself.

It was easy and quick. I was very pleased with the prominent line.
It really is a nice stitch. 

Then I gasped - 'This is not Back Stitched Herringbone Stitch! It is not even a Sunday Stitch School stitch - it's a TAST stitch! It's Chevron Stitch! One of the traditional stitches What a stupid mistake!'

So next week's WIPW report will show reverse stitching and a corrected line.

Friday, 16 December 2022

Revision Homework - Stitches 231 - 235

Just in time for Christmas, here comes a traditional Sunbonnet Sue. She is 'Mother Christmas' handing out gifts of flowers.

The surface Sue is walking on is made up of three rows of Barred Herringbone, the upper and lower in brown and the middle in red and green. 

By stitching them so close to each other you actually get a compact canvas filling stitch, don't you agree? 

I guess there are few people who actually see the Herringbone Stitch lurking about there!

Other stitches used are: Stem Stitch and Whipped Stem Stitch for the outline of Sue.

Sunday Stitch School will now take a holiday until the end of December. With a bit of luck, there will be a new stitch on Sunday 1st of January 2023. 

Season's Greetings to you all!

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

WIPW - Something Puffy

 It is time for the Wednesday routine - make a report on Work In Progress Wednesday.

Sunday Stitch School Sampler

I added another flower made up of #215 Up and Down Crossed Buttonhole Stitch (leaves) and #70 Puffy Couching (flower).


Nothing new, just the same stitch (Ray Stitch) I worked on last week, only I have added
more of them.

Doesn't the Mandala look a bit creepy? Is that a snake's head sticking out there, or is it maybe a turtle with four spindly arms...

The Ray Stitches are nice, though.

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Sunday Stitch School - Revision: Stitches 231 - 235

Sunbonnet Sue is standing in the wings, preparing to jump out onto the stage on Friday. Yes, it is once again time to do a revision of the last five stitches we have learned here at Sunday Stitch School.

Let's begin with:

231 Rhodes Heart Stitch

If you can 'stitch by numbers' then there are many Rhodes stitches that you can do. Here we have the charming Rhodes Heart.

232 Romanian Macrame (Flower) Stitch

A stitch that by looks can be mistaken for Palestrina Stitch. It is, however, worked totally differently, and it is not difficult. The knots form 'beads' that stand up on the fabric.

Add this needle-weaving part to the previous stitch and you can create beautiful flower petals.

This canvas stitch reminds me of brick buildings with intricate patterns, e.g. Frank Lloyd Wright's Old Imperial Hotel in Tokyo.

This version of the beloved Herringbone Stitch is easy and quick to do. Also, it is good-looking, as well as confusing - a stitch in disguise. 

Let Sunbonnet Sue illustrate the five stitches.

Friday, 9 December 2022

Friday Homework for Lesson 235: Barred Herringbone Stitch

 Aida Sampler

Mottled Wool Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Several different looks - this was a surprise. I like the neat Aida stitches best...

Wednesday, 7 December 2022

WIPW - Leaves

 It is time to show what has been going on this week on the Work In Progress Wednesday projects.

Sunday Stitch School Stitch Sampler

I made a #144 Raised Daisy Stitch á la Mary Corbet (its centre will be filled with something later) and two leaves with #232 Romanian Macrame (Flower) Stitch.


Here I stitched four seams with, yes it is the same stitch as above,  #232 Romanian Macrame (Flower) Stitch. I also started to add small Ray Stitch leaves along the Palestrina Knot lines.

Sunday, 4 December 2022

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 235: Barred Herringbone Stitch

For fans of the Herringbone Stitch, here is a version for you. Personally, I like its hidden Ms and Ws!

I found the stitch at Arts & Design where there is a simple and clear stitch graph. 

Or have a look at my photo instruction:

First, make a row of Herringbone Stitch.

Now use Straight Stitch to make vertical stitches. 

I have used a contrasting colour for clarity.

You can also keep using the same thread, and 

colour, of course.


Add here.

Friday, 2 December 2022

Friday Homework for Lesson 234: Fancy Brick Stitch

Fancy brick Stitch is the most fun to do if you use several colours - I made almost all my homework in three shades.

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Mottled Wool Sampler

Canvas Sampler

Wednesday, 30 November 2022

WIPW - Stars

December is just around the corner and I thought it was high time to stitch some stars. My Work In Progress Wednesday report, therefore, contains two star stitches on the 

Sunday Stitch School Stitch Sampler 

#136 Tied Windmill Stitch is one of them, here seen on the left in yellow and purple.

To the right, there is a sprinkling of #150 Celestial Eyelet Stitch in variegated pale blue and purple thread.


Here I have been adding more straight lines. Last week I showed Palestrina Stitch in grey radiating outward from the appliquéd circle (on the right in the picture below).

This week I used #232 Romanian Macrame (Flower) Stitch (to the left) stretching out from the centre in a similar way.

The two stitches are so alike in looks!

I like how the Romanian Macrame (Flower) Stitch stands up on the fabric. You could almost think they were beads! Look at the shadow underneath.

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 234: Fancy Brick Stitch

 It is time for another Canvas stitch, and once again I have picked one from the collection at the Badasscrossstitch blog. The stitch is called Fancy Brick Stitch and is worked like this:

The green and blue stitches use four holes,
the red three holes.

Begin with the stitches at the top.
Make a column of three stitches using four holes.

Move to the right and make another column.

Continue until you have filled your area, 
or the 'block' you want to make.

Next use Running Stitch to make a
line of horizontal stitches (using four
holes) underneath the columns. 
Notice the placement.

Make a similar set on the return

It is now time for the vertical 
stitches. Use Upright Straight Stitch 
to make two stitches between the 
light green ones.

Observe that you have to 'dig' underneath
the longer green stitches.

Finally, make another set of columns
similar to the ones at the top.

Here is your block.


How about using only one colour?

Or two colours?

Fill in a block on the Canvas sampler, 
as well as these three: