
Wednesday, 30 November 2016

WIPW - (Pepper)Mint

It is Wednesday and time for the weekly WIPW report.

Trinity Green
I had to spend a lot of time dealing with my computer and Blogger trouble, so I added only 189 new triangles to the paper strips.

Nevertheless I am nearing my goal as I now have 6.912 triangles in total. I will have to start laying them out on a flat surface to see if I have enough or need to add more.

Fabric in Focus
Here is a hint of (pepper)mint.


  1. the peppermint triangles look so fresh, you will have great fun planning out joining them into a quilt

    1. Many triangles on the paper strips are dark and gloomy so a bit of refreshing mint looks good, I hope.

  2. the peppermint looks lovely on this strip.

    1. Thank you. There are minty shades in many strips but here I have added more than usual.

  3. Minty fresh triangles. It must be exciting almost reaching your goal.

    1. Yes, I am beginning to see the end of the tunnel, but I still have green left in my stash. I'll have to make a cushion as well!

  4. Good luck finding a space large enough to lay out all those triangles. Even laying out a table runner here is a challenge.

    1. I have a wee bit more space than you do and far fewer pieces of furniture so I think I can manage it.
      Stay away from the flu that is spreading like wildfire.

  5. More greens to enjoy. I like all the variations of green and 'friends'. Fun project.

    1. Green is a friendly colour and so far no green has fought with other greens!

  6. Every little bit of progress is closer to the finish! I have been catching up on your posts. I love the way you are recycling some of your towels and pillowcases and working them into this project. How fun! I do hope your computer/blogger issues are resolved soon. (I am still trying to adjust to the new blogger dashboard, myself.)

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment.
      Yes, most of my computer/blogger troubles are over.
      Recycling makes good sense but by adding old pillow cases and the like you add memories to the quilt.
      Have a beautiful weekend.


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