
Saturday, 26 November 2016

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 4: Danish Knot Stitch

Welcome to Stitch School.
Today I have selected a knotted stitch with a controversial name. In some of my books it is called Danish Knot Stitch and in others its name is German Knot Stitch. Somewhere on the internet it was described as a detached form of  Palestrina Stitch.
The Swedish name is Tysk Knut.
(Updated info): The French name is Point de Noel Allemand.

I have referred to these three books:
The small book in the middle is Totsuka Embroidery Stitch Book 6, and has 71! variations on this stitch, so I guess I will have other lessons based on the Danish Knot Stitch!

I have no idea where the stitch originates from. If you know, and know what it is called in your language, please leave a comment.

It is worked like this:

 Come out under the straight stitch.
 Don't go through the fabric.

Anchor it near where the first stitch came out.

This is what it looks like on Aida.

To make a Christmas card including the danish Knot Stitch.


  1. this looks like a double knot stitch to me but instead of working a row of them they are done on their on their own so taking the needle through to the back ids done differently. Also known as palestrina knot as you say on your blog.

    1. A far as I understand it, Double Knot Stitch and Palestrina Knot Stitch are both stitched on a line, and usually just called Palestrina Stitch, whereas the Danish (or German) Knot Stitch is an individual stitch.
      It's easy, fast and fun, so do try it.

  2. I do want to try this stitch. I will need practice to work the individual stitches uniform. interesting experiment ahead!

    1. You have done the TAST Palestrina stitch, haven't you? Then this individual knot stitch should give you no problem. With your creativity you will make the stitch 'blossom'. Have fun!

  3. Lovely little knot - it is good to be reminded of some stitches whatever their name is.

    1. I think it is an easy stitch and that it has a lot of potential.

  4. Beautifully done, Queenie, thanks for sharing.

    1. You're welcome. I think it is a good stitch for filling in empty areas.

  5. They look like little hearts!

    1. Depending on how long you make the 'legs' and at what angle you put them it can look like a round and 'cuddly' heart or a long and 'sharpish' heart. Have fun!

  6. It is a great little stitch. I am always amazed by the many names one stitch can acquire.

    1. It is also interesting to see what names the same stitch gets in other countries.

  7. I cannot remember if I have done this stitch or not, looks like it would be useful. I've got the Mary Thomas's book so I'll look it up.

    1. The knots have the shape of a triangle or a heart, or if you space the legs differently and make them longer you could make a bug or something similar. Give it a try!

  8. Bonjour,
    j'ai trouvé ce point en français sous le nom de
    "point de noeud allemand" soit : german knot stitch
    Bizarre comme les noms de points changent d'un pays à l'autre.
    C'est une découverte

    1. Thank you for the info. I'll update the post.

  9. Catching up on my blog reading! This does look a little familiar ..... I think I may have stitched Palestrina stitch in a row, around a bag top ..... sounded such a nice name for a stitch!
    Barbara xx


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