
Wednesday, 4 May 2016

WIPW - 405

Work In Progress Wednesday is green, and a bit white.

Trinity Green

I fed my ELNA (sewing machine) with paper and 'greens', and I now have 405 green triangles.

Before I turn green in the face I decided to start another project, and it will be mainly white. Here's a bit of the sketch.

As you can see it is still in the paper stage, hope to get the white fabric out of the drawer soon...


  1. loving all the green. paper piecing have not managed to learn yet Sketch looks so interesting wonder how you are going to tackle transferring it into stitch

    1. I am wondering the same thing, too, ha, ha!

  2. Love all the green!

  3. Looking good! I've done the paper pieced borders before too. They go quickly but taking the psper off is somewhat of a pain...

    1. Oh no, don't discourage me at this initial stage!!!

  4. Queenie, your elna worked very nice :) I love your green triangles ...look very joyful !!!
    Wishing you a nice day,

    1. I have to give ELNA a dusting tomorrow, her 'throat' is full of fluff!!!
      You, too, have a good day with plenty of stitching!

  5. Now the business with tearing the paper away will be next. Prepare your squeezers and a TV program - and a waste paper basket very close!

  6. This looks great! Removing the paper won't be that bad.

    1. That's good to know. I am stitching with very short stitches so the paper is already quite perforated.

  7. You have been so busy, I also love paper piecing. Isn't it amazing how many different shades of green there are.

    1. Here I am using only one shape, the triangle and it is not so hard to place the piece so it fills the space when folded out (do you understand what I mean?). I wonder how complicated it must be to make a picture block with small pieces.

  8. Hey, I have three boxes overflowing with greens. You could double that number without duplicating fabrics.

    1. When I have enough slips for a quilt I hope to have used up most of my greens and there will be thousands of triangles. If I run out of fabric, I know where to go begging, ha, ha!

  9. I love the green piecing on paper. this work is new for me. hoping to learn more from your work. the sketch looks interesting. All the best!

    1. Chitra, do you ever use a sewing machine? This type of piecing is only good if you use a machine. I have found that it is quick and accurate. As there will be so many triangles I need accuracy or the quilt will be TOO wonly.
      I have to work more on the sketch...

  10. You have done well with all the triangles. I'm intrigued with the drawing.

    1. Ha, ha. I thought you, if anyone, would figure out what the sketch is of, but maybe it is a bit too Japanese...? More will be reveiled next Wednesday.


  11. That green looks good. Paper piecing is the best way to go if you want accuracy. I nearly gave quilting away at one point because I stressed out about not being 100% accurate. Them I found paper piecing. I also learnt how to fudge.

    1. The smaller the pieces, the more accurate you need to be, unless you are aiming for a WONKY look.
      I hope you will have lots of fun in your new studio, be it kogin, paper foundation piecing or 'fudging'!

  12. Good progress! I'm enjoying the process. It encourages me. If Queenie can hustle and get projects going then so can I.

    1. What! You are making GOOD progress with your bright and colourful big stitches quilt! And making magic happen in your flower pots as well!

  13. The green triangles are so pleasing to the eyes, as is the fanning of them here.

    1. I will not set them in a fan pattern but probably make a stripy quilt. Green is a nice colour, especially for interior decoration, but I am already getting fed up with the project. Sigh!


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