
Thursday, 31 July 2014

World Embroidery Day - the result

I stitch almost every day, but yesterday was an absolute MUST as it was World Embroidery Day.

A long time has passed since I last made a stumpwork portrait; deciding what to do was therefor easy.

Unlike Cross stitch, Hardanger or Blackwork there is more than just embroidery involved in the making of these stumpwork portraits. First you need to stuff, appliqué and shape the face before you can start embroidering.

For the eyes, I used Detached Chain stitch, French knot, Straight stitch.
For the eye brows,  Stem stitch.
For the mouth, Straight stitch.
To add a more advanced stitch I made the necklace with TAST #98 Beaded Shell Chain stitch.
The hair is made from couched down unravelled knitting yarn.
Finally I mounted the portait onto a card.

I would like to thank Skåne Sy-d and Kerstin Nettelblad for taking the initiative of establishing a World Embroidery Day.
Tack alla i Broderiakademin som hjälp till att etablera denna dag, och tack till Ingalill Jiborg som informerat mig. Nu försöker jag sprida vetskap och inspiration till mina broderande vänner världen över.


  1. Toppen! Vilken information du sprider!

  2. Thank you for all the information you give the World about this day.

    Regards Ingalill

    1. My pleasure. I hope this event will spread all over the worlds and grow year by year.

  3. Amazing! Great project for the day.

  4. She's fabulous–have you given her a name? Something stitch-related perhaps, like Daisy or Mrs Stitches. I spent yesterday knitting and totally missed world embroidery day, next year, I'll do better!

    1. A name? No I have not yet thought of that, but of course she needs a name. I'll make use of your suggestion, Mrs Stitches, Mrs Pinny Stitches.

  5. This is such a lovely stumpwork lady. I didn't know it was world embroidery day, but I did some cross stitching after too many days of not stitching.

    1. For you, most days must be (World) Embroidery Day. I just hope this event will make more people take up the needle and thread.

  6. I especially love that hair! The only stitching that got done here was another four-inch block but I did get my embroidery thread sorted and organized.

    1. Good, then you are all prepared to do some embroidery NEXT year 30th July!

  7. Thanks Queenie. I spent part of the day teaching my grand daughter how to stitch.

    1. Yes, I read your blog and was charmed (sorry I didn't comment on your blog; it is rather time consuming, and right now my days are jam packed)

  8. what an elegant lady you have made here, I did manage to do some hardanger, might nip to Ripon Cathedral today as they are stitching there but it is quite a long way and if the rain comes will stay home and stitch!

    1. It is good that the 'Queen of Hardanger' did some Hardanger embroidery on World Embroidery Day.

  9. Thanks for showing your work.
    I am having a few girls on Saturday and a friend is going to show them how to use embroidery stich's to quilt with. One girl is very talented over on craft house magic blog.

    1. I think embroidery stitches are great for quilting, although some stitches leave long stitches on the back. I hope the girls enjoy their day.

  10. I didn't manage to do any stitching as I enjoyed the day walking with my friends in the local nature reserve. Your lady is lovely, she definately needs a name!

    1. You should absolutely enjoy the beautiful summer weather, rain and heat will come they say...
      I took up Elizabeth's suggestion and named my lady Mrs Pinny Stitches.

  11. You have done World Embroidery Day proud, Queenie. It's nice to see another stump work figure emerge from your imagination and skilled hands! She is fabulous with her red curls and fancy necklace.

    1. Thank you, Cynthia. These portraits are easy and fun to make and always give me a lot of pleasure to display.

  12. Isn't she lovely with her shocking red hair ! I managed to do a couple of hours in the evening ready for my workshop which I did yesterday ! I love her necklace too, she's adorable Queenie,
    Chris Richards

    1. Good to hear you managed to join in. Especially as it resulted in you spreading the joy of embroidery even further with your workshop.
      Yes, I have found that many TAST stitches are perfect for making necklaces and other decorations on these portraits.

  13. You have, as usual, your lovely stumpwork ladies down to a fine art. The expressions on each of the ones I have seen are so realistic. I love them all and the latest is beautiful too.

    I have bookmarked the link to the W-E-D and will join in if I can, next year.
    It is rare for me not to be stitching on any day. I was edging a quilt - gift from my DD- on the 30th.

    1. I think most of my blogging friends actually ARE stitching EVERY day so there is no need for a WED, but let's promote it to fill the world of stitchers!

  14. Can't believe I was so out of the loop that I missed World Embroidery Day entirely! Your stumpwork portrait is fabulous!

    1. Let's work harder at promoting World Embroidery Day for next year. I am sure you make up for any lack of stitching on that day by stitching on all the rest of the days of the year.

  15. Love your stumpwork! (I have my own Queeniepatch original framed and on the wall!) Someday I wish you'd do a day by day tutorial (that I could follow along...) so that I could learn to make one of your pretty ladies! Think about it!

    1. I have often thought about it! The work is easier and faster than one thinks and I hope to inspire others to make their own 'ladies'.
      Keep cool in the sweltering heat, here I need muffler and gloves when I go out at night!


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