
Monday, 8 April 2013

TAST #60 Re-cut Diamond Stitch

In my last post I joked about sending my badly cut (stitched) Diamond Stitches off to Amsterdam to be cut (stitched) perfectly.

It did not take long before I got expert advice from Annet in Holland how to manage the stitch. I sat down and worked a new row of grey stitches. Look at the improvement. They are not PERFECT but definitely a better, more even diamond shape. THANK YOU, Annet!


  1. The new diamonds are definitely better!

    1. Yes, and it is all thanks to the skills of Dutch needleworkers!

  2. It is a tricky stitch to get all diamonds even, but I can see an improvement.

    1. For FREE form embroidery of course I don't need to be 'perfect' but it it nice to know that I can get good tension if I WANTED to, and now I feel more 'in control'.

  3. You are so critical, Queenie. I like the sampler from your last post very much. But it is true the grey row is very even. I tried to hidenthe odd diamond shape of my stitches with beads:-) but I will try Anett's method. I really like this stitching community. One can learn so much!

    1. Well, Claudia, I am stern with myself for a purpose; I want to learn and improve so that I can CHOOSE to do a stitch either free form or 'perfectly'.
      Beads and added stitches are an excellent way to get better balance or 'hide' flaws.
      Yes, the blogging world is great for learning and most bloggers are so generous with their knowledge and ideas.

  4. like Claudia I saw nothing amiss with your first ones Queenie, you perfectionist!! Well check out what advice Annet shared with you if I can find it.

    1. Annet's advice is in the comments of the previous post.
      As for 'perfectionism', that is impossible to reach but with better skills I can use them when I want and at other times do 'casual' embroidery.

  5. Your diamond stitches are much improved,they always say practice makes perfect!

    1. Well, I find that is true to a certain extent. If you continue to practice something incorrectly, you will just perfect your mistake. So before putting in a lot of practice it is worth checking if the method is right or if there is another way of doing it. With embroidery there are often different ways of doing the stitches (I have a Japanese book where all the stitches are worked AWAY from you; to me it is very strange but some people will probably find it easier).

    2. I agree with all you say. But sometimes you find something new,something surprising in hiding mistakes or in 'imperfectionisme' Can be real fun:-).

    3. Absolutely! I also find that if I wait a day or so I see the 'flaw' in a different light so I usually try to leave it and decide whether to unpick or keep.

  6. Your Diamond Stitches look very nicely done! I haven't tried this stitch yet but will definitely give it a go and try to be consistent with my tension.

    1. It is a great stitch and many of the other TAST participants have shown how versatile it is.

  7. I'm glad my way of stitching diamond stitch works for you too.

    1. I have learned, and got so much inspiration, from you. Please continue to share your know-how!

  8. yes, your stitches are realy better.Well done !


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