
Sunday, 7 April 2013

TAST #60 Diamond Stitch

TAST stitch #60 is called Diamond Stitch.

Diamonds might be 'a girl's best friend', but the Diamond Stitch is not this girl's best friend! What a teaser, a real trickster...

On my sampler below I have a selection of real rough diamonds - off to Amsterdam with you to get a proper cut! I know several Dutch ladies who can hone anything with needle and thread!

 Right now I am taking the Sumptuous Surface Embroidery course, and this week I worked a few samplers for my study journal. On one of them I tried out the Diamond Stitch again and with the aid of waste canvas underneath the tension was slightly easier to control.
Used as a filling stitch this could be good to depict a fishing net - a well-used one where you can see through which holes the fish have escaped, ha, ha!


  1. great diamond stitches Queenie, really like the fishing net look, once I got the flow when I tried it it seemed to work quite well but need to do a proper sample yet. Seeing your waste canvas it reminded me that i meant to buy some when I was at the show, never mind i will get another chance.

  2. That is definitely not a stitch I will try on my "Queenie" block!

  3. Sorry to hear you have trouble with this lovely stitch. Maybe you can try it my way. Don't wrap the needle with the thread, but put the thread in a big loop in the same direction as you would if you wrapped the needle. That way you can guide the knot to the place you want it to be if you pull the thread through. It also helps to get the right tension. As a bonus this works much faster as wrapping your needle!

    1. THANK YOU!
      I had a try and the result is MUCH better! I'll post a picture of the new stitches so you can compare.

  4. It is getting that spacing right I have trouble with. No problem on an even weave fabric but when you have to guesstimate, well the results are not nice. Your diamond stitch is wonderful.

    1. They are not wonderful but your vocabulary is: guesstimate! I need to add that to my dictionary!

  5. Love the orange colour - very neat stitches too!

    1. Since I posted this I have tried a new method and improved the 'neatness' (I think).
      Orange is a great for a Colour Punch!

  6. ah I had difficulties too with this stitch. It is very difficult to find the good tension for the thread. But your work is even so nice

    1. Yes, tension is the problem, but with Annets method it is easier to control that tension.

  7. Your stitches and comments are very inspiring - thank you for sharing - I enjoy following your blog.

    1. It is a pleasure to read your blog and leave a comment. We can learn and share ideas; I think the blogging world is the best classroom ever!

  8. Your stitches and comments are always inspiring - I really enjoy following your blog - thank you for sharing.


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