
Friday, 6 December 2024

Friday Homework for Lesson 310: Circular Buttonhole Dome Stitch

Oh, I know the Circular Buttonhole Dome Stitch  looks complicated, but it is actually very simple to do. It is a bit of a challenge, though, to make it look neat.

I suggest using a thread with a good twist and stitching slowly.

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Mottled Wool Scribble Cloth

Oops, I missed adding the Buttonhole Dome to the set of 'legs' on the upper left!


  1. Interesting stitch. I like the samples showing the holes, which look rather lacy, best.

  2. Yes, a twisted thread will allow you to see the details of the stitch more clearly.

  3. It is interesting how different the stitch looks using different threads.


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