
Sunday, 27 August 2023

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 262: Star of David

Now that I know how to make a hexagon or six-pointed star template, it is time to learn the Star of David Stitch.

Have a look at Needle 'n Thread.

Tighten the fabric in a hoop and 

mark the six tips of the star on the fabric.

Work your way clockwise around the dots.
Take the thread out at the red star. 
Skip one mark and insert the needle
in the third dot,

and go back and out at the second mark.

Continue Back Stitching.

Keep this mantra in your head:

Two forwards and one back.

Gradually you begin to see the shape of a star.

For the last straight stitch, go over and under 

the previous lines as indicated by the red arrows.

Homework: Add stars on these samplers.


  1. I like how even it is when you use the dots.

  2. It makes a pretty stitch, doesn't it!

  3. It looks like a handwritten star. Accurate stars can be created by making.
    It seems important to fit the cloth firmly into the loop and stretch the cloth firmly.


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