
Friday, 28 July 2023

Friday Homework for Lesson 259: Raised Seeding Stitch

Aida is the type of fabric that causes some problems as it has these big holes. With some sticky stuff like glue or nail varnish on the back, it is easy to keep the carefully stitched arches in place. Without them, they easily snag and become either too tight or too loose.

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Look at the shadows!

Mottled Wool Scribble Cloth

Here I wanted to try a new idea. I used a length of plastic-covered electric cord, and folded it to double  width. After fixing it securely to the wool, I let the cord curve and meander over the surface. Finally,  I stitched it down with a variegated multicoloured thread.

With this method I thought I would get stitches that look as if they had been put there at random.

Keeping the plastic cord in place, I turned the work upside down and applied watery 'bond'.

Once it had dried I removed the cord with a pair of tweezers - it was the hardest part of the job.

The Raised Seedling Stitches now sit securely and seem scattered at random - just the look I wanted.


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