
Friday, 12 May 2023

Friday Homework for Lesson 250: Danish Knot Chain Stitch

This stitch has a confusing name, as I mentioned in Sunday's lesson. Another interesting thing is what you see when you look at it - a doll balancing on a ball, a clown, a snowman with his stick arms raised above his head, an ornamental chain, a Japanese rain chain...

Danish Knot Chain Stitch is easy and fast to stitch. Furthermore, it takes a curve well. The only negative aspect is that it uses up a lot of thread.

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Mottled Wool Scribble Cloth



  1. Looks like you can do nice curves with this stitch.

  2. It's an interesting stitch, for sure. I'm not yet sure what I could use it for, but I am certain there will be something!

  3. This stitch makes a nice centipede!

  4. It does work well on a curve.

  5. If you devise the stitching, it may look like Spanish Arscasteis.

  6. It does work with a curve.


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