
Saturday, 24 September 2022

Friday Revision Homework - Stitches 221 - 225

Friday No, Saturday Revision Homework. It is past midnight here in Tokyo, and I didn't make it in time to hand in my homework on a Friday. Well, it can't be helped...

A typhoon is approaching and the rain is pelting down. In the homework picture, rain is falling on Sunbonnet Sue, too. I guess tears are also falling from her eyes.

In recent months so many of us have lost someone, be it a beloved Queen, a politician with diplomatic skills extraordinaire, a heroic soldier, a victim of flooding, a reluctant soldier, a small child swept away in torrential rain, a tortured civilian, or in my case, a family member passing quietly...

Apart from these five stitches, I have used Stem Stitch and Running Stitch.


  1. I don't think you'll get detention for handing in your homework late as it is very good. Sorry to hear of your loss.

  2. Wonderful timely depiction. The only color coming from the flowers is striking.

  3. Sue's dress is lovely. I hope you are safe in the typhoon.

  4. Feel sad.
    But flower seem to have courage and hope.🇺🇦

    Please accept my sincere condolences.

  5. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Sue stands beautifully for the rest of us.

  6. It is lovely. I too thought at first I was looking at a black and white photograph. I'm sorry you've had a passing in your family. Love you.

  7. I am sorry for your loss. I wish you much peace as you go through the grieving process.

  8. I read this post too quickly last time. Please accept my condolences for your loss. Losing a family member is so hard.

  9. I have lost two younger siblings this year, yes, not only sad, but a bit hard to accept. Your Sue speaks for many of us and may catch a few virtual hugs in that open umbrella. Love and sympathy, JF


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