
Sunday, 29 May 2022

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 212: Loose French Knot Stitch

After last week's complex stitch, I want to give you an easy one. Loose French Knot is, as the name suggest, a French Knot that has more slack than the usual one, so it is loose and also sits loosely on the fabric.

I came across it on Janie's blog Crazy Victoriana crazy for quilts. Janie is a fabulous quilter with a unique sense of colour. We used to learn TAST stitches together, long ago, and Janie has recently taken up embroidery stitching again. (TAST stands for Take A Stitch Tuesday - an online project to promote and teach embroidery stitches run by Sharon Boggon. Highly recommendable.)

Back to today's stitch. It is a challenge to get the same tension on all (ordinary) French Knots in a project, so the Loose French Knot is perfect for freeform and wonky embroidery. 100% stress free stitching!

Here are my photo instructions:

Wind the thread around the needle twice.

Insert the tip of the needle near where the thread came out.
Don't tighten the thread too much.

Pull through without too much tension.

Let the knot sit and wobble on the fabric.

In a group you will have all these different sizes and shapes. 
Aren't they just charming?

Add to the samplers.


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