
Sunday, 6 February 2022

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 199: Up and Down Flower Stitch

Here is a smart way to make beautiful flowers. I found the Up and Down Flower Stitch on Let's Learn Embroidery. It could be described as a flower made up of continuous Buttonhole Bars.

First mark a small circle on the fabric, and around it a larger one. The bigger the space between the circles, the longer the petals will become.

Mark eight points on the outer circle (think of a clock face: 12 o'clock noon,  1.30 pm, 3pm, 4.30 pm, 6pm ... and so on).

Mark eight points on the inner circle. Space them between the points of the outer circle. On a clock face it would be 12.30 pm, 2 pm, 3.30 pm, 5 pm, 6.30 pm...

Stitch a tiny Straight Stitch on each mark. 

Take the thread under each of the straight stitches, alternating inner and outer stitches. When you come to the end you have a starry design of eight petals. Anchor the thread. 

Now take the thread out near the inner base of one of the petals. 
Add Detached Buttonhole Stitch along the starry thread. 

If you anchor the thread at the tip of each petal the line of stitches will lie down.

Work your way around the star.
It is easier than it looks.

Add these beautiful flowers to the three samplers.


  1. Yes, it's simple enough in concept, there's just quite a lot of it!

  2. This stitch looks very interesting!

  3. Well, you have to know that this has inspired my next mandala!

  4. Oooh! What an unusual construction and so pretty!

  5. When I was wondering what would happen,a star appeared and it was finished very nicely.

  6. Up Down Flower Stitch adds good variety to you garden!

  7. Great explanation with the image of clock times!


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