
Saturday, 20 February 2021

Saturday Sightings of Spring - 6

Work on the Jacquie Harvey design 'Promise of Spring' has continued, and this week I have been adding decorative stitches on the felt stems of my silk foundation.

Perle cotton #8 in three shades of green as well as a green metallic thread were used. There is mostly Stem Stitch, but I also used some other stitches as the fancy took me.

Next step will be to fill in the leaves.

Saturday Sightings of Spring  - well the first signs of the hay fever season are here. Gritty eyes, runny noses, sneezing, sleepless nights ... all because of the pollen of cedar trees.


  1. Your spring sightings stitches are so beautiful. Sorry about the allergies though!

  2. I may be debuting the hay fever scene... The past two days we've been doing an awful lot of sneezing! Oh No! I thought I was immune!

  3. The original cushion is lovely but your own has a plethora of eye catching stitches to enhance the background. Love it! I hope the sneezing season quickly passes.

  4. Those stitched details are making for a really joyful piece!

  5. Wow, those lovely stitches add so much to the equation. After three years of drinking tea I made by boiling those male flowers I picked from the sugi trees, my husband's allergy was completely gone. Now friends are asking for some tea, but it is too late to pick those flowers off the branches around here.

  6. I like the three different coloured threads you've used on the stem.


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