
Friday, 27 November 2020

Friday Homework for Lesson 153: Alternating Chained Buttonhole Stitch

 Friday homework:

Aida Sampler
Oh, look at this black creeper, slumbering 
during winter. Rest asure it will spring to 
life in spring!

Teal Wool Tailoring Scribble Cloth
Wildly uneven!

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart
A magic creeper changing colour in the middle,
or is it a new shoot? Is spring already here?

This is an organic stitch. Wouldn't it look great with beads, or knotted flowers?


  1. Yes, a lovely stitch for organic curlicues. I find myself wondering whether someone will be able to use in in another way and open a whole new chapter for us..!

  2. I agree it is a very organic stitch, super for creeping and meandering plants.

  3. Nice samples. The black has a lovely rolling effect. I must try more different threads.

  4. I like this and think it will work nicely on a seam.

  5. Very organic, I must remember this one.


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