
Sunday, 12 April 2020

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 129: Olga's Petal Stitch

I was surfing YouTube and found a nice site of embroidery from, what I think is, Brazil. Artesd'Olga.
Among them was this beautiful petal made up of wrapped threads. I did not register a name for it, so will call it Olga's Petal Stitch.
Should you know the name, origin, or have any other information about this stitch, please leave a message in my comment box.

Here is a set of my instruction photos, and then there is a link to the excellent video itself.

You need to stretch the fabric in a hoop
and mark the outlines of the petal.
Then take a long thread and
come out at the bottom.

Fan out long surface stitches.

Repeat on the other side.

Take the thread out at the bottom, 

Insert the needle with the eye
(or change to a blunt tipped needle)
and wrap the working thread
around the surface stitches.

As you work your way upwards
skip a stitch (between red and blue)

you have wrapped the inner part
of the stitches so the petal keeps
its shape and the wrapping 
tapers towards the top.

Repeat on the other side.

Depending on the shape of the petal
(here an oval) and which surface stitches
you wrap, you can get various shapes.

The centre will always be open, and there you can of course add other stitches or insert a piece of fabric. A kind of Shisha Stitch if you like...

And here is the promised video link, enjoy!

Play around with the samplers.
How will Olga's Petal Stitch look on Aida, I wonder?


  1. This is an amazing stitch and beautiful flower. Thanks for the stitch and sharing the video- now I will have to catch up on past lessons so I can begin this one.
    I think Aida may be tricky to work on.

  2. What an interesting visual texture this stitch makes! I printed it off (as a pdf) and stuck it into my 'stitches' file for trying (when I am sitting to do hand stitching next).

    Thanks for sharing!!

    :) Linda

  3. What an interesting stitch! I look forward to seeing what you do with it.

  4. Amazing stitch, love the way the petal curls back.

  5. Goodness, that's a genuinely new idea. I wonder where I can use it...

  6. Beautiful and unique stitch.
    Brazilian embroidery is gorgeous.
    I'm looking forward to your rendition.
    Happy Easter!

  7. Hi, Queenie! That's a fabulous find! She is speaking Spanish, not Portuguese, so I don't think it can be from Brazil, but wherever it's from, the video makes it clear how to do it, and makes me want to try it. I'm going to listen with someone who speaks better Spanish than I do to be sure of a couple of things on it, but I really HAVE to try this! Thanks for finding and sharing it.


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