
Friday, 27 September 2019

Friday Homework for Lesson 108: Crow's Foot

I think you need to be in the mood to execute this tailoring stitch well. Some of my attempts went better than others. See for yourself:

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Teal Wool Tailoring Scribble Cloth
Isn't it ironic that on the tailoring wool, the stitches are the worst!!!??? Queenie will never become a tailor!


  1. I've yet to try this stitch. I guess the Aida and reference chart fabrics are more stable than wool cloth, so produce better placement.

  2. I've never managed to get this stitch to look good. I think it needs a stable fabric that doesn't pull up under tension.

  3. I like your tailoring stitch! Looks like it would be great for mending a hole!

  4. That crow must have been walking very slowly to get such a detailed print! Very nice.

  5. It looks tricky, Queenie! But I like the look ..... they look a bit like snowflakes!
    Barbara xx

  6. It's the weave of that woollen fabric that is causing you so much grief. Why don't you try some washaway canvas that might be easier.


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