
Wednesday, 13 March 2019

WIPW - Back On Track

THANK YOU for all well wishes and kind comments while I was poorly. I took time out from most things, slept a lot, and apologize for not having visited your blogs or left comments.

I am now well again and back on track.

Work In Progress Wednesday report

Greeting Card
or should I say Stumpwork Portrait.
Do you remember this out of focus picture, a teaser?
It is a Stumpwork portrait I made before I got ill, but could not write about it as it had not reached its destination. 

Now it has, so I can show you:

The hair was made this way:
Wind six strands of embroidery floss tightly around a bamboo skewer.

 Spritz with water and
 press with a hot iron.
 Unravel the curls and
stitch them around the head.

Twisted Perle forms the hair ornament, metallic thread the eyeshadow, a scrap of light blue accordion ribbon makes up the blouse, a ragged (cut roughly with pinking shares) piece of salmon pink nylon folds into a jacket and is held together with an odd necklace clasp.

For this portrait I also added ears and I will show how that is done on another blog post.

Crazy for Crazy
I filled in the leaves with Cretan Stitch and added a beautiful tatted flower I had been given from the owner of the portrait above.

Brazilian Embroidery
I managed to read through the booklet, made notes of some interesting points, but have not started stitching anything yet.


  1. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better! The stumpwork portrait is fabulous! I plan to try this soon. You know how much I like crazy quilt and this piece is great!

  2. I'm glad you are feeling better again.
    Your card is lovely. I like all the little details that make it so interesting to look at. The salmon pink is gorgeous against the background you chose.

  3. Glad you are feeling better. Love the way you made the hair!

  4. So pleased to hear you are feeling better, take care. Your lady is very elegant, love her curls.

  5. Love the curly hair - the portrait has turned out really well!

  6. So good to know you are feeling much better, Queenie.
    I Love the Stumpwork lady. The background is a great foil for her.
    How clever you are to create the hair. I must try that.
    Very nice stitch varieties on the C4C. I'm looking forward to seeing the blocks together, later on.

  7. You're back and feeling better, wonderful!
    And your portrait is amazing. The details are delightful, curls, earring, eye treatment, shawl fringe, wow.
    Your friend gave you a beautiful tatted flower and your embroidered leaves do it justice.
    Queenie's back!

  8. Glad to hear you are feeling better. It shows in your creativity.

  9. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Love the stumpwork lady.

  10. Your stump work is again inspiring!!! I love the curly hair! You are making my fingers itch again!

  11. Glad that your are feeling better now. the stump work project is lovely. Thanks for sharing. the tatted flower and Cretan leaves matches very well with your colours on your block. good progress.

  12. So glad you are feeling better, Queenie!
    Lovely to see more of your stumpwork.
    One day soon ..... I will finish my stumpwork picture!!
    Barbara x


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