
Sunday, 19 March 2017

Sunday Stitch School - Revision: Stitches 11 - 15

Before we move on to a new stitch, let's revise the five most recent stitches, Knotted Satin, Lace, Mountmellick, Norwich and Open Chain Stitch.

Here is a summery. Click on the headline to learn the stitch and read more.

Knotted Satin Stitch
It didn't take long to learn this stitch, but it was a struggle to get it right. These Satin Stitches need to be crowded, and the shorter the leg, the nicer they behave.

Lace Stitch
This row of triangular stitches was a pleasure to work, meditative and easy, and gave a very pleasing result. I like both the pulled-tight version that opens holes in the fabric 

and the version where the thread stands out.

Mountmellick Stitch
The main stitch in the Irish Mountmellick embroidery style is a favorite from the past and was nice to use once again, here in colour and on thin red fabric.

Norwich Stitch
This is a Canvas stitch and I learned the hard way that such stitches really should be worked on CANVAS and not on any limp fabric. I also learned that if you mark plain fabric and choose your thread well you can get stunning result.

Open Chain Stitch
This version of Chain stitch was easy and enjoyable to play with, and I am very grateful to CrazyQstitcher for suggesting tying the rungs of the ladder together into bunches.

Put SSS stitches 11 - 15 to good use on yet another Sunbonnet Sue design.
Now do you remember the name of this stitch? What kind of design of Sunbonnet Sue is it, do you think?


  1. such a variety of stitches here Queenie, I took my tast in to the quilting group yesterday as one of the ladies had just started following Sharon it was good to see them again and really must start doing more samples but the quilting seems to have taken over mine has certainly inspired her to start doing them too

    1. I have just worked one of the new TAST stitches I have missed. It wasn't hard, but somehow doesn't look 'right'. I will have to reexamine it and maybe redo it. Forever the student, eh? Or have I spent too much time quilting, ha, ha.
      Maybe you will find it fun to run two different projects, quilting AND embroidery at the same time. Maybe one for the morning and the other at night?

  2. Beautiful stitches and examples, Queenie.
    Thanks for sharing your process and attention to detail.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I am now enjoying playing with Sunbonnet Sue!

  3. Stunning work, beautiful stitches.

    1. Thank you, Jenni.
      The earlier versions of the cherry trees are now beginning to bloom. You should be here!!!

  4. I think you're going to stitch lace stitch on her bonnet.

  5. Stop it. Stop it Stop it. I have so much work to finish and you keep tempting me. Maybe I will just try that Lace stitch pulled tight?

    1. Sorry, no I will not stop it! More stitches coming up!

  6. Nice review of the stitches!
    Aren't the trees pretty now?

    1. Thank you.
      Yes, we are entering a PINK season in Japan!


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