
Tuesday, 24 January 2017

The 16th Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival 2017 (Traditional and Bags)

Here are a few samples from the quilt contest. First out Traditional category.

This is a difficult colour combination, but I think it works in this quilt.

 Bien du solei by Kazuyo Masago 眞砂和代

A Double Wedding Ring with nice quilting in the centres.

Anniversary by Miwayo Hashimoto 橋本ミ和代

 素敵な未来に向かって (Towards a beautiful future) by Junko (?) Hanaoka 花岡順子 is made up of small hexagons.

 ひだまりby Miyoko Otaka 大高美緒子

 Being wrapped in kindness by Yoko Masuda 増田容子

Happy Quilt by Chieko Ito 伊藤千津子

Next  is a selection from the Bag category.
 Cat rush by Makiko Ishihara 石原マキ子

 恋して、おしゃれ、困ったなあ〜 by Hiromi Hashimoto 橋本ヒロミ

 Party bag by Rie Kato 加藤利枝


  1. I always admire the work of Japanese quilters. I enlarge the photos and wonder even more. So unique!

    1. Yes, there were some fantastic ones this year.

  2. Another group of stunning quilts. I know there is a lot of work in each but the 'Towards a beautiful future' amazes me for the size of each hexagonal. I loove the cat tote and Rie Kato's party bag.
    It must be extremely difficult to find winners from these quilts.

    1. The hexagon quilt was not only large, it hung straight, too. They have a tendency to warp, but this one was perfect.

  3. What a great show and such beautiful photos! I've been so busy I haven't even had a chance to look at my photos and do a post about the the show. Maybe tomorrow.....

    1. Do read Tanya and Julie's posts, too. It is like revisiting the show! Eagerly waiting for yours, but do let the wrist tell you when it is time to write!

  4. so many wonderful quilts and bags loving the first one such beautiful applique and the border is so amazing. Would love the cat bag but knowing Helen she would pinch it

    1. Yes, I agree. The first one is one of my favorites, too.
      You would have to make TWO kitty bags then! Basically it is the clamshell pattern with added ears.

  5. I took pictures of some of those same quilts but haven't been able to figure out the names of the quilters.

    1. I am not 100% certain of how to write the names in Roman letters - especially the given names can often be pronounced in many different ways. The only consolation is that most JAPANESE have trouble too, to read names!
      If we had more time at the show we could ask a person standing nearby to read out the names! Or we should ask for a personal guide from NHK to do it, then they will realize what trouble we are having.

  6. I love, love, love seeing your posts from the Tokyo Quilt Show each year. I don't think I could even begin to choose a favorite. It was delightful to read through your posts and admire the beautiful work. Thank you for sharing! I also love seeing the NHK quilts - and the Swedish flag makes yours so easy to identify! It looks like you were in great company at the show. :)

    1. Which of the many unique and beautiful quilts to photograph is a hard choice every year.
      More blog posts coming up. I hope you will enjoy them, too.

  7. the quilts are too beautiful for words. thanks for the details too.

    1. I certainly stood speechless in front of several of them!


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