
Wednesday, 3 August 2016


My Feeble Excuses for not having much to report on Work In Progress Wednesday are:

I've had visitors.
The visitors brought gifts of fresh but muddy vegetables.
The muddy vegs needed cleaning.
The mud clogged up the kitchen sink.
The sink needed de-clogging.
The de-clogging produced a heap of dirty towels.
The dirty towels needed washing.
The washing needed drying.
The drying was impossible in the rainy thunderstorm.
The thunderstorm kept me indoors cooking vegetables.
The vegetables needed packing, freezing, pickling and deep frying.
The deepfrying needed the chip pan.
The chip pan's oil needed filtering and the pan needed cleaning...

Feeble excuses, but there you have them. I am just wondering why housework causes a chain reaction and you end up with even more housework.

If I need further excuses, I went to visit my friend Julie, I cut a lot of new triangles and I made a stumpwork portrait for World Embroidery Day.

Trinity Green
Only 60 new triangles, total count is 3.192.
Åsa and Julie, if you are reading this post, you can see that some of your green pieces have found a new home.

Fabric in Focus
I was given a set of fabric, all of the same pattern, but in different colours, green, turquoise, red, grey... I used two for this quilt and they are sometimes among the dark pieces and sometimes among the light ones. Chamaeleon fabric!

'I'm LIGHT green!'
'So am I!'

'I'm DARK green!'
'So am I!'

'Hm, that is a matter of who your friends are!'

HC Quilt

Can you make out what it is?


  1. One thing turns into two when it comes to housework!

    It looks like a Japanese Castle.

    1. Then two things turn into three, and the ball is rolling....
      It IS a castle!

  2. LOL!on your housework adventures. I think housework really relaxes you.I can totally empathise. HC quilt is so beautiful! Japanese scenery. How big is it?

    1. Oh, I wish had could experience relaxation when I do housework! I do, though, relax once the chores are done.
      The HC quilt will be about 100x80 cm.

  3. You have been busy! I have days like that too, no sitting down.
    You're making progress, small counts.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. There are too many days with no sitting down! Too many days when caring for others is far more important than adding stitches or triangles to your projects.

  4. Jobs just grow I find. You start with one thing and next you have a whole list and not of the things you would like.
    Still you got some work done and your temple is lovely.

    1. I guess it is because we need a kind of standard of cleanliness and order. If I leave too much quilting/sewing stuff out, I can not get on with the real project.
      Food just HAS to be taken care of now when it is hot and humid.
      It's not a temple, but a castle.

  5. Quentin Crisp's attitude to housework and dusting in particular was, 'why disturb history' I tend to agree! Your emerald quilt is really beginning to take shape, even if progress has been slower than you'd like, it's going to be beautiful when finished.

    1. I can agree with QC about dusting, but spills and mud MUST be removed especially in this hot and humid climate we have at the moment in Japan. Mould, lice and E.coli O157 MUST be avoided.
      I am always amazed at the variety of green there is in the world and in Trinity Green.

  6. Which castle is that? it might be a good way to fix the one that suffered in the earthquake... was it Kumamoto? Yes, life seems to get in the way now and again. One does not have to look far for excuses. And I see your greenery is making friends again.

    1. No, it is not Kumamoto castle, although that poor beautiful building needs extensive repairs. This one was recently renovated and is supposedly the most beautiful castle in Japan - I am of a different opinion though.
      Green is a colour of growth!

  7. Your HC castle quilt looks nice from what I can see. Is it Himeji Castle?

    1. Fancy someone in the UK to know the answer! Then again, you ARE a master of design and can spot the details.

  8. What a great blog today. Beginning with the MFEs that are more common than you think, through the always pleasing growth of green triangles to the beautiful castle quilt of which, even a small section is beautiful. Have you used crayon to colour this?
    I hope you managed a well earned rest after the vegetable episode.

    1. I believe you have, or at least used to have, a large household, and know all about trying to keep it running smoothly. No rest, ever, here!
      Yes, I used crayons to colour the HC quilt and permanent ink for the drawing.

  9. Your quilt looks very interesting, I don't know exactly what it is but it looks like a Japanese temple. I hope that you enjoyed eating all the vegetables after all that effort!

    1. It's a Japanese castle, that is a fortress. The architecture, especially the roof, makes one think of temples.
      Oh yes, I am very grateful for all the delicious vegetable we have been given, but in order to be able to eat them you need to put in a lot of time consuming work. Sometimes I just rather be stitching!

  10. Excuses but not feeble ones, us quilters have to maintain a certain level of cleanliness if not tidiness. I am not fanatical and I loathe vacuuming but I find I am less creative if chores are nagging at me. All your greens are wonderful and I love that Julie and Åsa shared some of their fabrics, those are the special pieces I always think. Clever demo of your dark/light fabric, I appreciate that, thank you.

    1. In the heatwave we are having right now (today +40.4) food spoils in no time, the dishcloth breeds germs at an alarming speed and needs to be washed right away after preparing each meal. Then as a quilter you want to spread out your flimsly on the floor. With all the windows open the floor is always gritty and needs to be swept/vaccuumed brefore it can be used to baste a quilt.
      Yes, the quilt will hold many memories, and if Åsa and Julie ever see the quilt in the flesh they can play 'I Spy a Fabric that Used to be MIne!'

  11. I would have said Kumamoto jyo too... Whatever you are making it looks like it will be a masterpiece.


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