
Wednesday, 8 June 2016

WIPW - Pushed Aside

I was worried I wouldn't have a Work In Progress Wednesday report this week, because I spent a lot of time on my Second Helpings of TASTy Tuesday stitches and had to push aside Trinity Green and H C to make a stumpwork portrait of a nurse. Then in the last couple of days I found the time to catch up.

Trinity Green
I made an additional 270 triangles and now have a total of 1917.

Fabric in Focus
I already told you about some pieces of fabric that I was given by my friend Åsa Wettre. This is a print of her own design. Aren't the birds charming? The hearts remind me of Swedish waffles, a very popular snack,  eaten with whipped cream and jam. A Swedish waffle griddle often has a pattern of hearts.

The white cotton met a blue crayon, and then a hot iron.

I hope you have a colourful week, blue or green, or any colour you like!


  1. I can hardly wait to see all these green triangles when they are done!

    1. It will be a LONG wait for you, I'm afraid!

  2. When you need more green fabric, let me know!

  3. I am fascinated by your crayon work, what is the final project going to be??? Wish I was closer, so I could send you some green fabric.

    1. The HC crayon quilt is a surprise so I can not reveal too much yet.
      Thank you, Jenni, you are so kind.
      The point with Trinity Green is to use up as much as possible of my own stash; but eventually I will need certain tones or shades to continue to make it into a scrappy quilt. I might have to use the green crayon to 'make' green fabric out of other coloured prints.

  4. Hi Queenie, I can't wait to see your triangles work finish : it will be absolutely nice and very orginal!!!
    Have a lovely day :)

    1. And it will take a LONG time before it is completed! Can you wait that long? Yes, you can, with all the immaculate cross stitch you do, patients is a quality you have plenty of!

  5. Gosh, that's a lot of triangles! I've been eating a lot of Norwegian waffles recently that have exactly the same heart shaped pattern—delicious and very bad for the waistline.

    1. I've only just started - plenty more triangles before this quilt is done!
      Oh, yes, those waffles, oh so delicious, oh so naughty! Luckily Åsa's fabric waffles are 0 calories, and packed with fibres!

  6. waiting for the outcome of the green triangles. lovely prints on the fabric. the crayon work is very intriguing. Best wishes on all your projects.

    1. At the moment I can manage about 10 strips of paper with 27 triangles each = 270 triangles/week, and I will try to use up all my green stash. So it will take a long time to complete the paper foundation work. Then I'm going to turn them into a quilt. Please be patient!
      There will be more details of the HC crayon quilt in future.
      I am very much inspired by your many projects. I hope I can juggle mine in the same way as you do, Chitra.

  7. your triangles are coming along so well so many different fabrics of course anything green gets my thumbs up! I could not resist some green fabric i found tuesday with little houses all over it more for the stash!

    1. That is exactly what I am trying to avoid - ADDING to my stash! I am sure you will find use for the new print.

  8. If we have to wait a LONG time for those triangles to be finished does that mean you have a lot more to do or are you going to have a break? And if it is a quilt will all those seams add to the weight of the finished piece? And will you add other colours to your crayon piece? Oh all the questions you have set us!

    1. The rainy season has set in in Tokyo, after that comes the HOT season, so I might have to take a break if I collapse in the heat. However, I hope to continue, and yes there is a LOT more to do.
      Yes, the quilt will be a heavy weight, and I hope to use it more as a throw than a 'duvet'.
      The HC crayon quilt will get some grey shading, but no other colours. Now comes the task of sandwiching and basting the three layers, before I start the hand work - quilting and embroidery.

  9. Thank you, Queenie - I had a wonderful week and will have some more. I go on loving your greens - the Swedish hearts and birds are a wonderful gift. Our wafers have even 5 hearts. I like to eat them wilh compott (no English word found) of cherries.

    1. Some Swedish waffle griddles have five hearts, too, but that means each waffle is smaller, and that is not so good, eh??!! Cherry compote sounds delicious!

  10. I love waffles! I have a great waffle iron I put into use often. I do have Scandinavian heritage.
    Great progress, thanks for sharing.

    1. Is your surname of Scandinavian origin?
      Waffles are eaten all year round, but especially delicious in spring. One day a year, Våffeldagen, is dedicated to the Waffle. In 2016 it fell on 25th March

  11. You wouldn't think there were so many variations of green, good progress!

    1. Since starting Trinity Green I have realised just how many shades of green there are.

  12. You are making good progress with the triangles. Reading about waffles has made me feel hungry!

    1. I'm reading your comment before breakfast and I am hungry, too. I want WAFFLES but will be good and have something less calorific and more wholesome.


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