
Wednesday, 18 February 2015

WIPW - A Short Report

A short report for this week's Work In Progress Wednesday.

Pile 'em On
A flame of Four Sided Stitch, and odd threads added to the circle.

 Swedish Wool Embroidery - Needle cases
 Two more parts completed on the needle case 'conveyor belt'.

TASTy Beads Galore
I made only the base stem of a new plant, using TAST # 137 Beaded Knotted Buttonhole Band.
Don't ask me, ask Blogger, why the photo is upside down!

New (but reported a couple of days ago) HINA ornaments
I made three new ornaments for the Doll Festival, 2015. Read more here.
I'm afraid, that's all for this week.


  1. very beautiful works in progress. Pile them on - it is looking like flower petals. I love the whipped wheel on needle cases. beaded knotted buttonhole looks nice. cute dolls.

    1. Flower petals, eh... I always saw it as the sun and burning flames... Now I am inspired by Annet's (Fat Quarter) work with tapestry stitches...
      Chitra, I am so impressed that you look so closely at my work and comment on each piece. Thank you.

  2. I'm enjoying the growth on Pile 'em on. Have you something in mind for it when it's finished?

    1. I hope to frame it once it is complete. As you can see the edges are beginning to fray and I'll need to reset it with support fabric...

  3. You do more in a week than some people do in several months! Nice work.

    1. I did much less than I had intended to. What is the expression, 'life got in the way'?

  4. Any attempt on my part to make a 'pile-em-on' would head to the bin but I delight in seeing yours evolve. The flames are also enjoyable to watch grow. I hope one day to try pulled work - I have a couple of books on the subject..waiting..
    The wool embroidery stitches are lovely and the Beads on the BKN band are all sitting nicely. I think you have used more TAST stitches on projects than anyone else.
    A really good week's work.

    1. Maureen, it is quite relaxing just to pile stitches on top of each other without thinking of how it looks or if the stitch is off. Pulled work has been really fun, but I am not doing it 'seriously' and maybe that is why I like it. If it were a 'nice' piece of embroidery, a table cloth or similar, I might be tense and worry about mistakes.
      I think I am using a lot of TAST stitches because I made the TAST reference chart and easily can find suitable stitches.

  5. My, those needle cases are getting very fancy and I really like that curling upside down stitch. I wish I could see some progress like that in my neck of the woods.

    1. The curling upside down stitch is called Beaded Butterfly Chain and easy to make. I had intended to do much more work, but had to escort someone to hospital and sit in the waiting room for ages, then got buried under a lot of paper work...

  6. All your work is beautiful , I like the drawn stitch flower.

  7. Your projects are all so fun to watch progress! I particularly love the way your imagination works with the beaded TAST stitches. I agree with Maureen. I don't think I could pull off a "pile 'em on" project, but yours is great fun to watch!

    1. I only had time for the stem on the beaded TAST project. Now I am racking my brain, how to make flowers out of the remaining stitches. There are four beaded stitches I have not used yet.

  8. I like your new additions. I'm working on things I cannot share yet, so no WIPW report from me this week.

    1. Then we are expecting great things for next Wednesday!!! I will miss this week's Dutch eye candy.

    2. Sorry, but you have to wait another week, there will be no new blogposts this week after today's post. But there will be some TAST report soon!

  9. Beautiful work, the needle cases will be fabulous with that stitching.

    1. One is now made up into a needle case, wrapped up and on the way to the post office to be shipped to the other side of the Globe.

  10. Beautiful work on the needlecases, the little ornaments are so cute, good luck with them at the show!

    1. One needlecase is completed, the others will take some more time before they are, too.

  11. I always find your Pile Em On so fun! Lots of nice variations of stitches on the needle case 'conveyor belt' too.

    1. I hope to add some new styles to both Pile 'em On and the 'conveyor belt'.


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