
Monday, 26 January 2015

Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival 2015 - 3 Thread Play

What do you need to make a quilt? Fabric, of course, wadding and THREAD.  In today's report from Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival 2015 I'll focus on thread.

You can use it to join blocks, insertion stitches:
 Or machine stitch knitting wool on dissolvable fabric, and then soak in water till the fabric is gone.

山﨑秀美*Hidemi Yamasaki

Fill an entire circle with small embroidery stitches, and you are bound to get a crowd gathering.

福井多倭子*Taiko (?) Fukui

Sow sewing seeds in Anne of Green Gables' garden and it will blossom with embroidery

井ノ本悦子*Etsuko Inomoto

Add structure by simple stitches, tone on tone, on the piecework. Use your hand or your machine.
 岡部美咲*Misaki Okabe

 Let your needle run some minus (-) or plus (+) stitches over the pieces, and throw in a bead in between.
湊啓子*Keiko Minato

Take a printed fabric and 'paint' it with thread
深山実枝子*Mieko Miyama

Forget the backing, the wadding and 'quilt' the single layer,  while watching TV, maybe?
岡村智子*Satoko Okamura

Decorate the ric-rac with stem stitch, and ... what is the blue stitch?

小幡幸子*Sachiko Obata

Add 'Bluework' to the antique blue and white china plate

吉田恵子*Keiko Yoshida

Go fishing with your home made net.
石飛悦子*Etsuko Ishitobi

Make a very Japanese quilt
but change the sashiko stitches for back stitches.
上村義子*Yoshiko Uemura

Use the Japanese technique of shibori (tie dye) on gauze, 
but leave the tied strings in
門屋洋子*Yoko Monya

Make mola lace with back stitch and Colonial knots

板垣マコ*Mako Itagaki

Who said one can't play with thread?

My friend Tanya has written another excellent report from the show. She takes up much I haven't so please click here to read it.


  1. I just love this last quilt with all the colonial knots. Thank you for the post.

    1. There were a surprising number of quilts with Colonial knots, either as the main feature or just for 'spicing' up the quilt.

  2. Really enkom your repat abort stitcher in connection with quilting.i have sometimes in My quilting also used cross a quilting I 'm going to do for the first grandchild i'm going to do some typer in quilting it.My son is living and working in Tokyo We live in the north of Sweden and we are swedish.I saw in Tanivas blog a gift you made for have Hemslöjden?I Love IT and soon there is a new Numbers.Wish you a nice day.So happy i foundation your blog and Tanivas.Hopefully I van go to the Exhibition next year

    1. Hej Ulla!
      Jag svarar på svenska så blir det lite internationell känsla över bloggen!
      Broderi och dekorativa stygn blir allt vanligare på täcken - tidigare fanns de ju mest på sk toktäcken.
      Ja, jag fann mönstret till Tanyas nålhus i Hemslöjden, en fantastisk tidskrift.
      Om din son bor i Tokyo och du kan komma i januari har du chans att besöka denna gigantiska lapptäcksutställning. Var dock beredd på att det är PACKAT med folk! Ca 50.000 personer per dag!!!
      Lycka till med täcket till barnbarnet!

    2. Tack för lyckönskan.Vi är så glada och förväntansfulla.ett barnbarn är så speciellt.Jag har förstått att det är många besökare på utställningen.Om jag kommer så får jag hoppas att det går att se en del i alla fall.atmosfären är säkert mycket speciell.Bor du någonstans i Japan nu?Skriver svar från macken på jobbet ,därav min anonymitet.

    3. Trots trängsel är det organiserat och allt går lungt till, men man kan bli trött bara av att se havet av människor!
      Ja, jag bor i Tokyo.

  3. Fantastic presentation! There certainly was plenty of embroidered embellishment on many of those quilts and I am not surprised you could select a wide variety to show. If I keep dallying, you guys will cover it all.

    1. You will cover different things and have different pictures so we are all waiting patiently for you to have a chance to write up YOUR report.
      On my visit tomorrow I will look for something different to focus on.
      Good luck with the 'conference quilt'.

  4. Stunning quilts here. It's so good to see these quits with pretty embroidery. Thanks for sharing these beauties!

    1. Isn't it interesting to see what can be done with needle and thread on a quilt?

  5. Oh, so interesting - how you are writing and what can be seen!! Quilt wonder over quilt wonder, sewing experts!

    1. As you saw, there is perfect stitches and free form 'messy' embroidery for quilts as well.

  6. fantastic interesting details of the embroidery. very inspiring. thank you for visiting and sharing your experience.

  7. Some fabulous quilts. Love the one with the house with all the lush embroidery.

    1. Besides quilting, gardening and reading are popular hobbies in Japan. Naturally one who reads Anne of Green Gables and loves flowers will want to recreate Anne's beautiful garden. There is no space for a real garden, but you can make a quilt. For the flowers, appliqué or embroidery? I would chose the latter!

  8. Queenie, thank you for sharing, I get so excited seeing what's been done with embroidery.
    Such dedication and enjoyment emanate from those quilts, sigh......

  9. Hello, each year, I come back to your blog to read your posts about the Tokyo show. Love them. Thank you for taking the time each year to photograph the quilts and write the articles. I posted a link to your blog and to a few articles on a French quilters forum, I hope it's OK. Beatrice (from France).

    1. Please spread the word about the show in Tokyo. I will write more blog posts so do come back to look!

  10. Fabulous exhibits Queenie. Thanks for sharing. It is amazing how many ways a humble stitch can be used for different effect.
    I would Love to be able to get the depth/perspective of Etsuko Inomoto's quilt.

    1. I didn't get the show catalogue (expensive and all info in Japanese only) so have no exact measurements for Ms Inomoto's quilt. It is a wall hanging, pieced, quilted and embroidered, app 100cm x 60cm. It was a crowd stopper!

  11. All the quilts are wonderful, I love the Green Gables' garden.

  12. These are all so wonderful! I just LOVE the large circular quilt. The embroidered gardens within it are stunning. The Anne of Green Gables piece just blew me away. They are all just stunning. (Makes me wish there were more hours in the day to try more techniques.)

    1. Maybe because so many quilts are pieced and appliquéd by hand in Japan, they are also embellished with embroidery. I have never seen as much embroidery in quilts in exhibitions in Sweden or the UK.
      I just love going round looking for 'thread play'!

  13. These quilts are so inspiring. The bluework quilt really caught my eye. Thanks for sharing.

    1. It IS a lovely quilt, isn't it. I guess it is made in celebration of the Old Imari china, that today are collectors' pieces and much loved in Japan.


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